Boost Your Company’s Global Growth with Translation Services

How to Boost Your Company’s Growth with Translation Services?

Despite the hope for a quick recovery following COVID-19, many international markets are feeling the heat from social and political turmoil. This turbulence is compelling business leaders to rethink their plans for global expansion. Besides, rising inflation and a tight labour market have intensified operational pressures on businesses.

If your business struggles to expand globally, it’s time to consider how to thrive amidst the chaos and hit your revenue targets. One often overlooked factor in this case is getting help from a professional translation services provider.

Believe it or not, language can be a game-changer in business expansion. Today, our translation experts have prepared this article to shed more light on the true importance of translations within the global business sector.


The Role of Marketing Translation Services in Business Growth

Research shows that most consumers prefer buying products listed in their native language. Another study reports that websites that have been adapted to the local language and culture, also known as ‘localised websites ‘, experience a whopping 70% boost in conversion rates.

That’s where multilingual services come in. They do more than improve sales; they also meet specific industry needs.

Reputed marketing translation service providers offer different use cases for various sectors. For healthcare institutions, they translate complicated medical data into accessible and easy-to-read language, ensuring patient safety and understanding. Similarly, these experts ensure travel safety by helping locals understand guidelines easily, thereby supporting the tourism industry.

From a broad business perspective, the landscape has been transformed globally. So, whether marketing materials or financial reports, businesses need multilingual content to keep their workforce knowledgeable and make informed decisions. That’s the only way to move ahead of their competitors.

How To Expand Globally Through Translation

Customised globalisation planning can help you better utilise your resources and uncover your business’s full potential. Here are 6 crucial elements to consider when developing an effective global expansion strategy through translation:


  1. Evaluate the Expertise of a Translation Service

Experience matters, especially in the global market. A seasoned certified translation expert with a long-standing record brings valuable insights into your industry.

They know the ins and outs and the latest trends in the regions you plan to expand to. Years of experience have helped them understand how other businesses have evolved in specific markets. As such, these professionals are well-equipped with the local knowledge to guide you through challenging times.

You can assess your translation expert’s experience by their client list and case studies. Client testimonials clearly show how they’ve handled similar challenges in the past.


  1. Find Industry Specialists

Specialisation in your industry vertical is more than just having a general experience. It’s about having teams that specialise in specific sectors. Sure, anyone can claim to be an expert translator, but does that person truly understand the intricacies of medical terminology or the legal requirements in different countries?

Partnering with a localisation agency gives you access to a dedicated team of globalisation experts. These professionals deeply understand your industry and possess the knowledge to handle language specifics.


  1. Prioritise Technological Advancement

Staying ahead in today’s fast-paced world means being tech-savvy. A dedicated team of experts is always on the lookout for the latest advancements in AI, user experience, and security.

These professionals are doing more than just keeping up with the trends; they are setting them. The right technologies aim to make business faster and better. These tools are all about efficiency, from intelligent project and budget tracking platforms to nifty connectors that fit right into your systems.

So, staying in tune with the latest tech ensures your business stays ahead of the curve in the global arena.


  1. Develop an International Footprint with Experienced Translators

An international footprint gives you an edge because you’re targeting people globally. The best part is that today’s interconnected world lets you do that without even setting foot in another country.

You can have experts who are familiar with the language and know the culture inside out. They understand the subtleties that can make or break a translation project.

Take, for example, a software company expanding to Japan. Sure, you can hire someone who speaks the language. H

owever, having a team of native linguists who understand the local tech scene and user preferences can make a difference.

But there’s more to it than local expertise. Having operations worldwide also helps mitigate the risks. If one market faces instability, others can step in to support it. This is like a safety net that ensures that client needs are always met (even in the face of unexpected challenges).


  1. Focus on International SEO

When it comes to international expansion, translation is just the tip of the iceberg. You need to consider numerous other strategies to ensure a booming global market expansion.

First off, you need to develop a globalisation strategy. This involves assessing your readiness to go global, streamlining multilingual workflows, and crunching the numbers to show the value of localisation. It’s about setting the stage for success from the get-go.

Then there’s International SEO. Optimising your online presence for different regions can boost visibility and uncover opportunities you never knew existed. For example, a translation service provider can help you identify and use the most relevant keywords in different languages, improving your website’s ranking in local search results.

But that’s not all. Multilingual marketing translation services take your efforts to the next level. Whether you need more local teams or are encountering budget constraints, these solutions help you tailor your message to resonate with your target audience, no matter where they are.


  1. Invest in Top Quality Translation Services

When partnering up, you need to compare apples to apples. Sure, a translation provider might seem pricier upfront. But if they offer total project management with a single point of contact, it could save you money in the long run.

You’ll free up your own staff from micromanaging every little task or expanding your capabilities in-house. This way, they can focus on more critical tasks, such as streamlining your entry into the global market.


Final Thoughts

Entering a new market without understanding its culture, language, and native phrases is like navigating in the dark. While English works almost everywhere, it may not resonate with audiences that prefer doing business in their mother tongue. This is where professional translation service providers can illuminate your path, helping you connect with your target audience on a deeper level.

In that case, professional translation service providers can help make things easier. These professionals are familiar with the local trends and culture to provide an impactful international footprint. They also leverage technology, such as translation management systems, to boost your global growth efforts.

When it comes to international expansion, remember that your choice of a translation agency is a strategic decision. Investing in reputable providers not only sets you up for international expansion, but also provides a sense of security and confidence in your business decisions.