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Is Being Proficient In Two Languages Enough To Do Legal Translations?


Mar 2016

Is Being Proficient In Two Languages Enough To Do Legal Translations?

In Blog Post Business By Translation Services 24

  The world of professional translation services is very complex and involves numerous skills. It is not only about taking text written in one language and transferring it into another. It goes beyond that. So being proficient in two languages is not enough for specialised translations, and this includes legal translations. The translation of legal […]

Is translating marketing material essential?


Feb 2016

Is translating marketing material essential?

In Blog Post Business By Translation Services 24

Marketing and Translation – What are the challenges? If you want your business to succeed, it is crucial that your product or service is made known to potential customers or buyers, and one of the most effective ways to achieve this is by having an excellent marketing strategy. The term marketing refers to different activities […]

Is Technology Replacing Translators?


Feb 2016

Is Technology Replacing Translators?

In Blog Post Business By Translation Services 24

How technology affects the translation industry Over the past years, the demand for translations services has increased considerably. Business globalisation can be considered the main reason behind this phenomenon, as it has increased the opportunities for international trade and opened new markets for many different types of businesses on every corner of the world. In […]

MEP’s Told to Stop Speaking English in European Parliament


Feb 2016

MEP’s Told to Stop Speaking English in European Parliament

In Blog Post News By Translation Services 24

English has become the default language for business and statesman. But that didn’t stop the speaker of the European Parliament telling multi-lingual politicians to stick to their mother tongues. There are 24 official languages spoken in the European Parliament, but the majority of Members opt to switch to English as it is the most widely […]

6 New Year’s Resolutions of a Translator


Jan 2016

6 New Year’s Resolutions of a Translator

In Blog Post Translation Insights By Translation Services 24

As we now see all the pretty lights and tinsels being taken down from trees and houses, we finally come to realise that the festive season is over for good. While it’s getting colder every day, the good old days when we just wore our pyjamas all day long, drank hot chocolate and watched ‘Home […]

6 things that get on a translator’s nerves


Nov 2015

6 things that get on a translator’s nerves

In Blog Post Culture & Lifestyle Translation Insights By Translation Services 24

We, translators, like to consider ourselves an easy going bunch. Each of us coming from a different background, country and experiences found that translating is perhaps the only job we see ourselves doing and actually enjoying. Although majority of us feels like giving up at least once a day, are sleep deprived and pretty much […]

The evolution of translator’s desk


Sep 2015

The evolution of translator’s desk

As translators, each and every one of us loves the fact that we are able to work from the comfort of our own home, pretty much everyday. We all have that special corner where the ‘magic’ happens. Although we don’t think about it much, can you imagine (remember) what the life of a translator looked […]

5 Funny Google translate results


Aug 2015

5 Funny Google translate results

In Blog Post Technology Translation Insights By Translation Services 24

  We all know it – machine translations will never be able to replace human translators or professional translation agencies. They are however, even in 2018, extremely generous when it comes to giving us reasons to giggle. Sure, Google is a truly fantastic tool when it comes to communicating with friends or family, but for […]

5 Things you should NEVER say to a translator


Jul 2015

5 Things you should NEVER say to a translator

In Blog Post Translation Insights By Translation Services 24

We all know that poking a lion with a stick isn’t the best of ideas. Similarly, saying certain things to a professional translator can also be extremely dangerous and can result in serious trauma, injuries or even being cursed in an unfamiliar language.  In order to protect you from those types of unpleasant situations, here are 5 […]


Jun 2015

Machine Translation Systems Can’t Replace Me

In Blog Post Translation Insights By Translation Services 24

The machine translation industry is advancing at a quick rate, yet such innovations never fail to fall short of criticism. The idea of having effective translations are proving to be an attractive prospect to some. But for a translator like myself, this idea isn’t as favourable. There is no doubt that machine translation technologies have […]