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What does ‘certified document translation’ actually mean?


Dec 2023

What does ‘certified document translation’ actually mean?

What is a certified translation? Officially certified translation services play an extremely important role in today’s globalised world. People often require a translation of their documents into another language not only in a business environment, but also in their personal lives. Whether it’s applying for a visa, a new job, or a University, and your […]

Mastering Website Translation: A Step-by-Step Guide 


Nov 2023

Mastering Website Translation: A Step-by-Step Guide 

A Step-by-Step Guide to Mastering Website Translation Translating the content of a website into another language isn’t a straightforward process. It involves not only the linguistic aspects of a professional translation, but also the socio-cultural factors of the intended audience, which might directly affect how the translated content is perceived within the target market. In […]

Differences between translators and interpreters


Oct 2023

Differences between translators and interpreters

Translators v. Interpreters – What’s the Difference? Translation and interpreting are rarely performed by the same person. As translation services focus on conveying written text and documents, interpreting covers the spoken word. Consequently, the main difference is in how the service is delivered and what it covers. The contrast in skills required is so considerable […]

5 Things to Consider When Choosing The Best Translation Agency


Sep 2023

5 Things to Consider When Choosing The Best Translation Agency

How to Choose the Best Translation Company Deciding to acquire the services of a professional translation agency is perhaps one of the best decisions an organisation can make during their internationalisation process. In order to communicate efficiently with business partners and potential clients, companies must incorporate language services within their internationalisation plans. Think about it: […]

Tips for Professionally Translating Your Financial Documents


Nov 2022

Tips for Professionally Translating Your Financial Documents

In Blog Post Business News Translation Insights By Translation Services 24

Things to remember when converting financial documents into another language Your business’s financial documents are vital for stakeholders, especially business partners and investors. Unfortunately, translating these documents can be complex, especially when dealing with stakeholders abroad. That’s why you should seek to get help from a trusted financial translation service to get it done. Otherwise, […]

A Guide To Translating Your Website


Oct 2022

A Guide To Translating Your Website

In Blog Post Business translation services By Translation Services 24

Everything you need to know about translating and localising your website Localising a website is a smart strategy to increase the traffic from international users. Consumers feel valued when a website translates every piece of information into their native languages. So as a business, which language should you localise your website into? There are around […]